Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

What to Do When Your “Real” Friends Don’t Support You on Social Media!

Your Friends are NOT Your Fans

“ I care not what others think of what I do, but I care very much about what I think of what I do! That is character” ~ Theodore Roosevelt 

Your passion is a priority. This love of yours is one of the most important things in your life! Follow your heart and don’t depend on the words of others. Sometimes when people don’t support what you are doing, it might be more about them than you! 

Your Friends are not Your Fans!

OUCH! I know!

it’s really hard because many of us went through the same. Lots of people still don’t understand that, the video in YouTube has to be played at least 30 seconds to consider a view and also for the like 👍. And of course we all wondered that our friends don’t have 30 seconds to spare for us! 

But we all need to know that, it’s not our friends JOB to like everything that we do, or what we post on social media. Of course we look to our friends for support, encouragement, their approval, and most importantly that “like” after all how hard is it to click the thumbs-up button, or the word “like” right? Well we have to accept the fact that, even if our friends don’t show any support, they are still our friends. Thus we have to move on, so we can focus on building a social media fans that matters to what you do, or the type of business or hobby! 

Your Friends Might Missed It!

Social media algorithms changed over the years, and it’s not that simple anymore! Especially Facebook isn’t showing our posts like they used to. Of course our networks have grown tremendously over the years. If you have five thousand friends in your friends list on Facebook, it’s impossible to see everything everyone posts. So your friends might be missing your posts. Also they can’t interact with everything they see. Some might don’t care, and that’s OK! Remember, that doesn’t make them less of a friend! 

Days of Old

Social media started in the early 2000s. Facebook started in 2004, and this is arguably the beginning of social media. So the early adopters liked, commented, and interacted with anything that looked cool or interesting. YouTube subscribers, Facebook likes and getting followers were way easier! Now the rules have changed and the social media is overwhelming! We no longer just “like” something, because we fear the notifications and posts that may follow that “like.” Not to mention that ‘like” might be questionable, and also kill some relationships. So we are more careful and protective of our social feeds the same way we guard our bank accounts! And we can’t expect our friends to have the same social habits as the good old days. Because the internet doesn’t work that way anymore! 

The Haters

Even though most of your friends will support you in their own way, but there are many haters too! And you will know who they are! They are not worth the emotional energy and time you spend even thinking about them! So just move on and spend your energy focusing on the wonderful things that you do! 

Know Your Audience 

It’s time for us to do a self check. Get to know who your targeted audience are, and focus on building a relationship while sharing and creating content that matters to them. It will take time, but at least you will get genuine engagement. 

Become a Fuller Person on Your Own!

It’s natural to want support and encouragement from our friends. But it is possible to do what you want to do without it. Just think of how many successful inspiring people took the road less traveled! 

You may find that as you become more self sufficient, the people around you begin to show more interest and perhaps offer more support. Be more confident, less needy, and more directive in what you do, that’s when you become a fuller person on your own! 

Share Your Thoughts 

Have you experienced this as well? Please share your thoughts, or any advice or words of encouragement for others by commenting below 👇by joining the discussion! I love to hear from you! Also if you like this article, please share with others. Because you can’t change the world, but sending positive energy to another person is simple and free; the only thing you really need is an open mind and a little time!

Just Giji

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Well Wisher
Well Wisher
2 years ago

Such an encouraging article Just Giji! I also went through the same. We always assume our friends are going to support us no matter what, but the matter of the truth is they don’t, infact like in this article says, you shouldn’t be depending on others to achieve your goal. You could do t on your own; “Be more confident, less needy, and more directive in what you do, that’s when you become a fuller person on your own!” Totally agree.. Keep writing. You are awesome!

2 years ago

Totally agree 💯 . Great work 👍👏👏👏

2 years ago

Great article! You may encounter many people in your immediate circle of family and friends that you would expect to find support, only to be met with rejection and discouragement. It’s hard to overcome, but you should learn to handle unsupportive family/friends should you find yourself in that situations! I agree with you 💯 Keep going 👍

2 years ago

Great article! Family and friends may not be the people you need to reach with your endeavor. Start documenting your journey and sharing your passion on social media, community groups, etc. You will find all the support you need by taking a step and building your own community. Keep up the great work Giji

2 years ago

It’s important to know this early on, because you can’t count on these people to ALWAYS be there for you! Great article!

Laura K
Laura K
2 years ago

Giji, thanks for raising this interesting topic and providing provocative discussion about it. What strikes me is I don’t think all that many users out there are cognizant of the fact (or simply don’t care!) that their “Views”, “Likes”, or Comments feed into an algorithm that Facebook uses involving promoting a post or lack thereof. Those using Facebook to promote a service or type of activity (like yourself, for example!) will be MUCH more aware of the importance of getting “Views”, “Likes”, and/or “Comments”, etc., as relates to the inner workings of post visibility on Facebook. For many standard FB users, they just don’t know how it works or just don’t care! So, they are often simply not attentive that reacting to a post – and not just being a passive reader – may actually be meaningful to others and helps determine how a post is treated in the Facebook algorithm of visibility to Friends and/or Followers.

Laura K
Laura K
2 years ago
Reply to  Just Giji

Thanks for your thoughts, Giji! It is a complex issue, and multiple factors at work with each post.

Laura K
Laura K
2 years ago
Reply to  Just Giji

That will be quite interesting to discuss with a social media expert!

Laura K
Laura K
2 years ago
Reply to  Just Giji

Also, I do think when a “friend” does see the content of a post , using the “Like” reply (or the frown as the case may be!) is a good way to acknowledge to the author they saw it. But I know I’ve been guilty of passing on that type of acknowledgement for friends, especially when they post too many pictures of their food! Often, the food looks terrific and all, but I just see too many meal pictures and kind of get weary of seeing someone else’s dinner, LOL. So, that’s an example where I might just quickly scroll by the food pic but not going to take the time to “Like” it. Like it or not!!! 😆

2 years ago

Very informative article! Thanks for sharing this article. Great writing and keep it up 👍

2 years ago

💯 agree!

1 year ago

Great article 💯👏👌

1 year ago

Thank you Gigi it’s been very tough thinking about it, you make my mind clear, there’s a Saying, you cannot please everybody, but that’s okay , the most important is you must move forward to get there in your Goals and Success. 😊❤️

1 year ago

Completely agree 💯

1 year ago

Absolutely true! Be more confident, less needy, and more directive in what you do! Indeed! Great job! Keep writing 👏👏👏💯

1 year ago

Absolutely true! Great article!

1 year ago

Great blog!! Absolutely agree 100%

Faac Jeff
Faac Jeff
1 year ago

This is simply the truth


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